At Landmasters®, you benefit from the unique knowledge, experience and expertise of our experienced teams and networks. Your requirements are our mission, even when it is in Khartoum or remote areas .

Genuine parts supply

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of the quality of spare parts used for maintenance of the engine motor insuring a long life. Purchasing Genuine Parts from us you will receive professional advice, peace of mind and confidence that your Machine or engine will serve you for a long time and run smoothly.
All our parts have standard warrantee of 1 year .

Technical support

Landmasters has tailored repairs to accommodate various lengths of ownership, frequencies of utilisation, budgets and turnaround time.
From regular and scheduled maintenance to minor and major repairs,Landmasters offers end-to-end support to maximise your assets. Our expert service personnel use genuine tools and parts, so all repair work gets your operation running optimally on the first go.

Service contract

This contract is an agreement between us and a customer to handle some or all of the customer’s equipment management needs. Landmasters offers the following:

TA1: This is a visual inspection of your equipment.

TA2: This is a more complete inspection program using the most advanced diagnostic tools. Systematic tests are performed on your engines and equipment.

SOS: SOS Fluid analysis is a thorough, reliable and cost-effective early warning system that quantifies telltale wear elements, dirt and other contaminations in oil and engine coolant. It predicts trouble early allowing you to schedule repairs so that you can manage system performance and increase machine life.